Obedience & Rally Classes by Perri
Classes by Perri
Obedience & Rally Instructor
From very early days, Perri loved taking part in the training of and caring for the four legged family members and rescues who crossed the family threshold. With no access to formal training, she watched and learned communication and cues from the many dogs in her life. They taught her how to more clearly communicate what it was she wanted of them. Whether teaching tricks to the terriers, or looking up into the face of the family Great Dane and insisting he sit still while she put down a bowl full of food, Perri’s conversations with the dogs were almost always productive.
In 2001, Perri and her husband brought home a very special Rottweiler puppy. He came with a show/working contract, and Perri’s formal training commenced. From Novice A to Utility and many other disciplines, Perri and her beloved "Ted" learned about dog sports together and blazed a trail for future generations of Perri's dogs. Through classes, seminars, private lessons, and training clubs, the doors to competitive dog sports were thrown wide open and Perri's "toolbox" was overflowing.
Perri has trained, trialed, and often ranked in:
AKC Obedience
Rally (earning an invitation to the National Rally Championship)
Nose Work
Herding (even adding a flock of sheep to her property to hone her dogs’ skills)
Dock Dog
Trick Dog
Barn Hunt
When a fellow club member asked for some help with her dogs, Perri realized how much she enjoyed working with the people who work their dogs. Teaching dogs to perform certain skills is not as difficult as it may seem at times, even when methods may need to be tweaked to the specific needs of dogs and/or their partners. But building handler confidence, opening up communication to sustain engagement, and keeping the working team on task is where training becomes the most rewarding for all involved.

To find the current schedule and register for classes, email Perri at: perripets@gmail.com
Obedience Foundation for Puppies and Young Dogs Part I
6 Week Course: 1 hr/week
This class will begin to lay the foundation for the future relationship between you and your puppy. We will begin basic manners using a variety of different rewards. We will also begin to build the puppy’s confidence in himself and in the relationship he has with his humans.
Obedience Foundation for Puppies and Young Dogs Part 2
6 Week Course: 1 hr/week
Prerequisite: Obedience Foundation Part 1 or permission from the instructor.
Let’s start laying the groundwork for your future Obedience competitor. We will begin building straight fronts, an understanding of where “Heel” is, and other skills (disguised games). We will establish good habits now, that you’ll need later for those higher scores.
6 Week Curse: 1 hr/week
It’s one thing to walk into the ring with a dog who knows all the exercises. It’s a very different thing to walk into the ring with a dog who thrives on working with you.
This class will build the bond between you and your dog and use the connection between the two of you as the reward. This is a fun and playful class, so leave your stress behind!
Heeling 101
6 Week Course: 1 hr/week
This class uses fun and games to foster a love of heeling for you and your dog. Focus will be on footwork, cues, and proper position with enthusiasm and engagement.
6 Week Course: Total of 6 hours of class time
This class will offer 4 consecutive half hour sessions of Open and Utility exercises each week. Students may use their 6 hours at their own pace within the 6 week session. The rotations will be broken down as follows.
Directed Jumping;
High Jump and Broad Jump;
Go-Outs and Directed Retrieves;
Signals and Command Discrimination;
Articles and retrieve on flat;
Drop on Recall and Moving Stand;
​I will send out an email every week informing students which rotations we will be working for that particular week. Requests are welcome!
The Dark Side of Utility Articles
4 Week Course: 1 hr/week
Prerequisite: Dog Must have a solid Obedience retrieve. Being able to retrieve a metal object would be an added bonus.
There are so many different ways to teach articles. Everyone has their favorite method, and teaching articles in the dark is mine. I used this method with my Novice A dog. He went from retrieving one metal article to successfully working a pile of 24 within a matter of weeks. I have used this method with subsequent dogs and always had the same success and reliability. You will need your own obedience articles.
Beginning Rally
6 Week Course: 1 hr/week
Learn the Rally Novice signs and practice the skills needed to complete them with confidence. Bring a good sense of humor, and be prepared to laugh!
RN 7th Week Annex
We will set up a Virtual Rally Novice course to practice, record, and hopefully send in to AKC for a Virtual RN leg!
Rally Intermediate
6 Week Course: 1 hr/week
Prerequisite: Beginning Rally Class or RN title.
Learn the Rally Intermediate signs and practice the skills needed to complete them without tripping over your dog’s or your own feet.
RI 7th Week Annex
We will set up a Rally Intermediate course to practice, record, and hopefully send in to AKC for a Virtual RI leg!
The Dark Side of Utility Articles
Prerequisite: Beginning Rally Class or RN title.
Learn and practice the Rally Advanced signs while gaining confidence in your off-leash skills.
RA 7th Week Annex
We will set up a full Rally Advanced course to practice, record, and hopefully send in to AKC for a Virtual RA leg!
Novice Distraction:
6 Week Course: One hr/week
Now that your dog knows a few things, let’s make sure the two of you can exercise that knowledge with a few distractions. Not only will we be working through distractions, but also learning how to recover when something actually has distracted her.
Advanced Distraction
6 Week Course. One hr/week
Let’s be prepared for as many startling or exciting things the show venues can throw at you and your dog.
Grey Muzzle Games
6 Week Class: 1 hr/week
$165 For dogs under 8 yrs old
$150 For dogs over 8 years old
Have you ever walked out the door to train with your younger competition dog, and felt overwhelmed with guilt as you look into the expectant face of your retired buddy who has to be left at home? Have you ever felt discouraged that your bright and willing dog of any age can no longer compete in Obedience, Rally, or Agility due to physical limitations?
This is the class that will lift your guilt and brighten the day of your special friend. We will be using skills that your dog already knows and loves to create working games that will lift everyone’s spirits without pushing them beyond their physical limitations. In this class we will tweak the games as needed to ensure everyone can work at a level that is safe, challenging, and fun!